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a/A Ratio

The EBMcalc module a/A Ratio is available in EBMcalc Complete Edition.

This calculator yields the following results:
Equation parameters include:
  1. Hall RT. Indications for surfactant therapy--the aAPO2 coming of age. Pediatrics. 1999 Feb;103(2):E25. PubMed ID: 9925871 PubMedLink
  2. West JB. Respiratory physiology: the essentials. 7th edition, Philadelphia, Lippincott William & Wilkins 2005. NLMN ID: 101205971 NCBI Logo
  3. Kanber GJ, King FW, Eshchar YR, et al. The alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient in young and elderly men during air and oxygen breathing. Am Rev Respir Dis. 1968 Mar;97(3):376-81. PubMed ID: 5638492 PubMedLink
  4. Mellemgaard K. The alveolar-arterial oxygen difference: its size and components in normal man. Acta Physiol Scand. 1966 May;67(1):10-20. PubMed ID: 5963295 PubMedLink
  5. Cole RB, Bishop JM. Variation in alveolar-arterial O2 tension difference at high levels of alveolar O2 tension. J Appl Physiol. 1967 Apr;22(4):685-93. PubMed ID: 6023181 PubMedLink
  6. Lilienthal JL, Riley RL, et al. An experimental analysis in man of the oxygen pressure gradient from alveolar air to arterial blood during rest and exercise at sea level and at altitude. Am J Physiol. 1946 Sep;147:199-216. PubMed ID: 21000737 PubMedLink
  7. Le Huu Thien B,Huynh Quang D. Equation des gaz alveolaires et difference alveolo-arterielle en oxygene. J Fran Viet Pneu. 2014; 05(14): 4-10.



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