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  Apgar Score

Strength and regularity of heart rate

100 beats/minute or more (2 points)

Less than 100 (1 point)

None (0 points)
Lung maturity

Regular breathing (2 points)

Irregular (1 point)

None (0 points)
Muscle tone and movement

Active (2 points)

Moderate (1 point)

Limp (0 points)
Skin color / oxygenation

Pink (2 points)

Bluish extremities (1 point)

Totally blue (0 points)
Reflex response to irritable stimuli

Crying (2 points)

Whimpering (1 point)

Silence (0 points)

Important: Inputs must be complete to perform calculation.

Total Criteria Point Count:

  Apgar Score

7 to 10 Points: Normal
0 to 6 Points: Distress


  Data action

Include literature references: Yes   No

  1. Apgar V. A proposal of a New Method of Evaluation of the Newborn Infant. Current Researches in Anesthesia and Analgesia. 1953, 32: 260-267. PubMed ID: 13083014 PubMed Logo
  2. Apgar V, Holaday DA, James LS, et al. Evaluation of the newborn infant. JAMA. 1958, 168: 1985-1988. PubMed ID: 13598635 PubMed Logo
  3. Casey BM, McIntire DD, Leveno KJ. The continuing value of the Apgar score for the assessment of newborn infants. N Engl J Med. 2001 Feb 15;344(7):467-71. PubMed ID: 11172187 PubMed Logo
  4. Butterfield LJ, Apgar V. Correspondence regarding use of "APGAR" as a backronym for Apgar score components. http://resource.nlm.nih.gov/101584647X95, http://resource.nlm.nih.gov/101584647X94.

Associated Medical Subject Headings [MeSH]
         Apgar Score,   Carbon Dioxide,   Cohort Studies,   Fetal Blood,   Gestational Age,   Humans,   Hydrogen-Ion Concentration,   Infant,   Infant Mortality,   Newborn,   Oxygen,   Premature,   Prognosis,   Retrospective Studies,   Risk

Associated ICD10-CM Codes
   P28.5Respiratory failure of newborn
   P28.3Primary sleep apnea of newborn
   P28.4Other apnea of newborn
   P28.2Cyanotic attacks of newborn
   P29.11Neonatal tachycardia
   P29.12Neonatal bradycardia

Associated ICD9-CM Codes
   779.81Neonatal bradycardia
   779.82Neonatal tachycardia
   770.83Cyanotic attack, newborn
   770.82Other apnea of newborn
   770.81Primary apnea of newborn
   770.84Resp failure of newborn


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