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  COVID-19 ABC2-SPH Score

Heart Rate  

Important: Inputs must be complete to perform calculation.

SF Ratio  
ABC2SPH Score  

  ABC2-SPH Score Interpretation

0 to 1 point: Low risk with <6% mortality
2 to 4 points: Intermediate risk with 6 to 14.9% mortality
5 to 8 points: High risk with 15 to 49.9% mortality
9 to 20 points: Very high risk with mortality ≥50%


  Data action

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  • This calculator represents findings from the literature referenced below. It is important to understand that these findings may not be representative of the experience in your local healthcare system.
  • Comorbidities include hypertension, previous stroke, heart failure, diabetes mellitus, obesity, coronary artery disease, atrial fib and/or flutter, cirrhosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and cancer.

Equations used
SFRatio = 100 * O2Sat / FIO2
ABC2SPHScore = AgeFactor + BUNFactor + ComorbiditiesFactor + CRPFactor + SFFactor + PlateletsFactor + HeartRateFactor


Calculation Details and Variables
  • AgeFactor is assigned values by this ordered logic:
    • If Age ≥80 yr, AgeFactor = 5
    • Else if Age ≥70 yr, AgeFactor = 3
    • Else if Age ≥60 yr, AgeFactor = 1
    • Else AgeFactor = 0.
  • BUNFactor is assigned values by this ordered logic:
    • If BUN ≥42 mg/dL, BUNFactor = 3
    • Else BUNFactor = 0.
  • ComorbiditiesFactor is assigned values by this ordered logic:
    • If Comorbidities ≥2 number, ComorbiditiesFactor = 1
    • Else ComorbiditiesFactor = 0.
  • CRPFactor is assigned values by this ordered logic:
    • If CRP ≥100 mg/dL, CRPFactor = 1
    • Else CRPFactor = 0.
  • SFRatioFactor is assigned values 0 points for SF Ratio >315, 1 point for SF Ratio 235 to 315, 3 points for SF Ratio 150 to 235, and 6 points for SF Ratio <150.
  • PlateletsFactor is assigned values by this ordered logic:
    • If Platelets <100 x10^9/L, PlateletsFactor = 2
    • Else if Platelets ≤150 x10^9/L, PlateletsFactor = 1
    • Else PlateletsFactor = 0.
  • HeartRateFactor is assigned values by this ordered logic:
    • If Heart Rate ≥131 beats/min, HeartRateFactor = 2
    • Else if Heart Rate ≥91 beats/min, HeartRateFactor = 1
    • Else HeartRateFactor = 0.

  1. Marcolino MS, Pires MC, Ramos LEF, et al. ABC2-SPH risk score for in-hospital mortality in COVID-19 patients: development, external validation and comparison with other available scores. Int J Infect Dis. 2021 Jul 24;110:281-308. PubMed ID: 34311100 PubMed Logo

Associated Medical Subject Headings [MeSH]
         Aged,   COVID-19,   Hospital Mortality,   Hospitalization,   Humans,   Middle Aged,   Prognosis,   Retrospective Studies,   Risk Factors,   SARS-CoV-2

Associated Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes [LOINC]
Parameter LOINC's and Suggested Units
Age 21612-7 : yr      21612-7 : yr      21612-7 : years      30525-0 : Years old      30525-0 : yr      30525-0 : years      
BUN 3094-0 : mg/dL      6299-2 : mg/dL      14937-7 : mmol/L      59570-2 : mmol/L      
CRP 1988-5 : mg/L      48421-2 : mg/L      76485-2 : nmol/L      
O2Sat 2708-6 : %      2713-6 : %      51733-4 : %      59408-5 : %      
FIO2 3150-0 : %      19993-5 : %      19992-7 : %      19994-3 : %      19996-8 : %      19995-0 : %      
Platelets 777-3 : x10^9/L      26515-7 : x10(3)/mcL      
Heart Rate 8867-4 : beats/min      8893-0 : beats/min      8890-6 : beats/min      8889-8 : beats/min      68999-2 : beats/min      76282-3 : beats/min      69000-8 : beats/min      69001-6 : beats/min      

This material contains content from LOINC (http://loinc.org). LOINC is copyright © 1995-2023, Regenstrief Institute, Inc. and the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) Committee and is available at no cost under the license at http://loinc.org/license. LOINC® is a registered United States trademark of Regenstrief Institute, Inc.

Associated ICD10-CM Codes
   J12.9Viral pneumonia, unspecified
   J12.89Other viral pneumonia


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