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  COVID-19 Obesity and Diabetes Score

Diabetes No (0)

Yes (1)

Onset under age 40 (6)
Obesity No (0)

Yes (1)
Pneumonia No (0)

Yes (7)
Chronic kidney disease No (0)

Yes (3)
COPD No (0)

Yes (1)
Immunosupression No (0)

Yes (1)

Important: Inputs must be complete to perform calculation.


  Score Interpretation

-6 to 0 points: Low risk of mortality
1 to 3 points: Mild risk of mortality
4 to 7 points: Moderate risk of mortality
8 to 11 points: High risk of mortality
12 to 22 points: Very high risk of mortality


  Data action

Include literature references: Yes   No

  • This calculator represents findings from the literature referenced below. It is important to understand that these findings may not be representative of the experience in your local healthcare system.
  • Obesity is not objectively defined in the Bello-Chavolla study.[1]
  • COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Equations used
Score = AgeFactor + Diabetes + Obesity + Pneumonia + Chronic kidney disease + COPD + Immunosupression


Calculation Details and Variables
  • AgeFactor is assigned values by this ordered logic:
    • If Age ≥65 yr, AgeFactor = 3
    • Else if Age ≥40 yr, AgeFactor = 0
    • Else AgeFactor = -6.
  • Equation parameters such as Diabetes, have two or more discrete values that may be used in the calculation. The numbers in the parentheses, e.g. (0), represent the values that will be used.

  1. Bello-Chavolla OY, Bahena-Lopez JP, Antonio-Villa NE, et al. Predicting Mortality Due to SARS-CoV-2: A Mechanistic Score Relating Obesity and Diabetes to COVID-19 Outcomes in Mexico. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2020 Aug 1;105(8):dgaa346. PubMed ID: 32474598 PubMed Logo

Associated Medical Subject Headings [MeSH]
         Adult,   Age Factors,   Aged,   Betacoronavirus,   COVID-19,   Chronic,   Chronic Obstructive,   Comorbidity,   Coronavirus Infections,   Databases,   Diabetes Mellitus,   Disease Susceptibility,   Factual,   Female,   Hospitalization,   Humans,   Immunocompromised Host,   Male,   Mexico,   Middle Aged,   Obesity,   Pandemics,   Pneumonia,   Prognosis,   Proportional Hazards Models,   Pulmonary Disease,   Renal Insufficiency,   Risk Assessment,   Risk Factors,   SARS-CoV-2,   Sex Factors,   Viral

Associated Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes [LOINC]
Parameter LOINC's and Suggested Units
Age 21612-7 : yr      21612-7 : yr      21612-7 : years      30525-0 : Years old      30525-0 : yr      30525-0 : years      

This material contains content from LOINC (http://loinc.org). LOINC is copyright © 1995-2023, Regenstrief Institute, Inc. and the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) Committee and is available at no cost under the license at http://loinc.org/license. LOINC® is a registered United States trademark of Regenstrief Institute, Inc.


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