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  COVID-19 PAWNN Score

Neutrophil Count  
Lymphocyte Count  

Important: Inputs must be complete to perform calculation.

Neut Lymph Ratio  
PAWNN Score  
Decimal Precision  

  PAWNN Score Interpretation

0 to 6 points: Lower risk of death
7 to 12 points: Higher risk of death


  Data action

Include literature references: Yes   No

  • This calculator represents findings from the literature referenced below. It is important to understand that these findings may not be representative of the experience in your local healthcare system.

Equations used
NeutLymphRatio = NeutrophilCount / LymphocyteCount
PAWNNScore = AgeFactor + NeutLymphRatioFactor + PlatFactor + NeutFactor + WBCFactor


Calculation Details and Variables
  • AgeFactor is assigned values by this ordered logic:
    • If Age ≥70 yr, AgeFactor = 2
    • Else if Age ≥50 yr, AgeFactor = 1
    • Else AgeFactor = 0.
  • WBCFactor is assigned values by this ordered logic:
    • If WBC >9.5 x10^3/mcL, WBCFactor = 1
    • Else WBCFactor = 0.
  • NeutFactor is assigned values by this ordered logic:
    • If Neutrophil Count >6.3 x10^3/mcL, NeutFactor = 1
    • Else NeutFactor = 0.
  • PlatFactor is assigned values by this ordered logic:
    • If Platelets <100 x10^3/mcL, PlatFactor = 2
    • Else PlatFactor = 0.
  • The default NeutLymphRatioFactor is 0 points. If the Neut Lymph Ratio >4.06 the NeutLymphRatioFactor is assigned 6 points. Else if the Neut Lymph Ratio ≥2.22 and ≤4.06 the NeutLymphRatioFactor is assigned 2 points.

  1. Liu H, Chen J, Yang Q, et al. Development and validation of a risk score using complete blood count to predict in-hospital mortality in COVID-19 patients. Med (N Y). 2021 Apr 9;2(4):435-447.e4. PubMed ID: 33521746 PubMed Logo

Associated Medical Subject Headings [MeSH]
         Blood Cell Count,   COVID-19,   Hospital Mortality,   Humans,   Prognosis,   Retrospective Studies,   Risk Factors,   SARS-CoV-2

Associated Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes [LOINC]
Parameter LOINC's and Suggested Units
Age 21612-7 : yr      21612-7 : yr      21612-7 : years      30525-0 : Years old      30525-0 : yr      30525-0 : years      
WBC 6690-2 : #/microL      
Neutrophil Count 751-8 : 10^3/microL      26499-4 : 10^3/microL      753-4 : 10^3/microL      
Lymphocyte Count 731-0 : x10^3/microL      26474-7 : x10^3/microL      732-8 : x10^3/microL      
Platelets 777-3 : x10^9/L      26515-7 : x10(3)/mcL      

This material contains content from LOINC (http://loinc.org). LOINC is copyright © 1995-2023, Regenstrief Institute, Inc. and the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) Committee and is available at no cost under the license at http://loinc.org/license. LOINC® is a registered United States trademark of Regenstrief Institute, Inc.

Associated ICD10-CM Codes
   J12.9Viral pneumonia, unspecified
   J12.89Other viral pneumonia


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