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Specialty Index: Nursing

  Medical Equations

Blood pressure percentiles, 0 to 17 years (2017 standard)
Body mass index (BMI) percentiles and Z-scores, females 2 to 20 years (CDC)
Body mass index (BMI) percentiles and Z-scores, males 2 to 20 years (CDC)
Body Mass Index for Adults (BMI Quetelet's Index)
Body Mass Index for Adults (BMI Quetelet's Index, Metric)
Body Surface Area (BSA, Du Bois Method)
Body Surface Area (BSA, Mosteller, square root method)
Burn Injury Fluid Resuscitation, Adult (Parkland crystalloid estimate)
CDC height-for-age percentiles for females, 2 to 20 years
CDC height-for-age percentiles for males, 2 to 20 years
CDC infant growth percentiles, 0 to 36 months
CDC infant head circumference-for-age percentiles, 0 to 36 months
CDC infant weight-for-age percentiles, 0 to 36 months
CDC infant weight-for-length percentiles, 0 to 36 months
CDC weight-for-age percentiles for females, 2 to 20 years
CDC weight-for-age percentiles for males, 2 to 20 years
CDC weight-for-height percentiles for females, 77 to 121 cm
CDC weight-for-height percentiles for males, 77 to 121 cm
Estimated Date of Delivery (EDD) by LMP and Ultrasound
Estimated Delivery Date (Patient information)
Gestational Age from Estimated Date of Delivery (EDD)
Gravity Flow Rate Calculator
Height Potential: A Child's Target Height Based on Midparental Height
Ideal Body Weight Percentage
Ideal Body Weight
Kt/V Dialysis Dose Daugirdas Formula
Kt/V Dialysis Dose Formulae MultiCalc
Lean Body Weight (Female)
Lean Body Weight (Male)
Maintenance fluid calculation for children based on daily fluid requirements
Maintenance Fluid Calculation for Children Based on Hourly Fluid Requirements
Nasal Cannula Oxygen Fractional Inspired O2 (FiO2) Estimate
Normal Range for Body Weight
Olsen infant BMI-for-gestational-age percentiles, 24 to 41 weeks gestation
Olsen infant head circumference-for-gestational-age percentiles, 23 to 41 weeks gestation
Olsen infant length-for-gestational-age percentiles, 23 to 41 weeks gestation
Olsen infant weight-for-gestational-age percentiles, 23 to 41 weeks gestation
PFT Adjusted Predicted Values for Men MultiCalc
PFT Adjusted Predicted Values for Women MultiCalc
PFT predicted values by 2022 race-neutral GLI equations, ages 3 to 95
PFT Predicted Values for Boys MultiCalc
PFT Predicted Values for Girls MultiCalc
PFT Predicted Values for Men MultiCalc
PFT Predicted Values for Women MultiCalc
Pregnancy Gestation by LMP and Ultrasound Biometry
Total Daily Energy Requirement Estimate
WHO infant growth percentiles, 0 to 24 months
WHO infant head circumference-for-age percentiles, 0 to 24 months
WHO infant weight-for-age percentiles, 0 to 24 months
WHO infant weight-for-length percentiles, 0 to 24 months

  Clinical Criteria

Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) Toxicity Assessment (Original, 1975)
Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) Toxicity Assessment (Revised 2023)
Apgar Score
Breast Cancer Recurrence Risk After Mastectomy (simple)
Centor Strep Pharyngitis Criteria With McIsaac Modification
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Diagnostic Criteria
CIWA-Ar Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol scale
Clock Drawing Task (Cognitive Impairment Screening)
Cognitive Impairment Screening with 6 Questions
Conjunctivitis Agent Prediction (bacterial or other)
Diabetes Risk Score (Type 2)
DVT Probability: Wells Score System
Geriatric Depression 1 Item Screener
Geriatric Depression 4 Item Scale
Geriatric Depression Scale (15-item GDS)
Glasgow Coma Scale in Adults
International Prostatism Symptom Score (IPSS)
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Diagnostic Criteria (Manning Criteria)
Migraine Screener
Migraine With Aura Diagnostic Criteria
Migraine Without Aura Diagnostic Criteria
Newborn Hyperbilirubinemia Assessment (original, 2004)
Newborn hyperbilirubinemia assessment for infants born at 35 weeks or more gestation (2022 update)
NIH Stroke Score
Norton Scale to Stratify Risk of Pressure Sores
Osteoporosis Risk Assessment by Composite Linear Estimate (ORACLE score)
Osteoporosis Risk Assessment Instrument (ORAI)
Osteoporosis Risk SCORE (Simple Calculated Osteoporosis Risk Estimation)
Osteoporosis Self Assessment Tool for Men
Osteoporosis Self Assessment Tool for Women
Palliative Prognostic Score in Terminal Illness
Panic Disorder Screener
PHQ-2 Depression (any) Screening by a Two Item Questionnaire
PHQ-2 Depression (major) Screening by a Two Item Questionnaire
Pulmonary Embolism Wells Score
Rheumatoid arthritis Clinical Disease Activity Index (CDAI)
Rheumatoid arthritis Disease Activity Score with C-reactive protein (DAS28-CRP)
Rheumatoid arthritis Disease Activity Score with Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (DAS28-ESR)
Rheumatoid arthritis Simplified Disease Activity Index (SDAI)
Roland-Morris Disability Score
Venous Leg Ulcer Healing Prediction

  Decision Trees

Asthma Hospitalization One Year Risk TreeCalc
Benign Positional Vertigo Decision TreeCalc
Cesarean Section Delivery Probability Among Nulliparous Women TreeCalc
Cesarean Section Delivery Probability Among Parous Women TreeCalc
Diabetes Screening TreeCalc
Diabetes Type Predictor TreeCalc
Ectopic Pregnancy Risk Estimation TreeCalc
M.I. Prediction Decision TreeCalc
Rabies Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) TreeCalc
Smoking Cessation and Intervention TreeCalc
Stage III Pressure Ulcer TreeCalc
Stage IV Pressure Ulcer TreeCalc
Thyroid Disease Screening for Females More Than 50 Years Old TreeCalc

  Unit and Dose Converters

Conventional unit to SI unit conversions: Chemistry and endocrine tests
Length Unit Conversions
SI unit to conventional unit conversions: Chemistry and endocrine tests
Weight Unit Conversions



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All information contained in and produced by the EBMcalc system is provided for educational purposes only. This information should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or disease. THIS INFORMATION IS NOT INTENDED TO REPLACE CLINICAL JUDGMENT OR GUIDE INDIVIDUAL PATIENT CARE IN ANY MANNER. EBMcalc is NOT a medical device. Click here for full notice and disclaimer.
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